IPMC Fall 2023 Colloquia

The new online seminars of IPMC in Fall, 2023 are coming!

“New Waves in Philosophy in Taiwan” is the topic of IPMC’s Fall 2023 Colloquia. We welcome anyone interested to join our discussion. The colloquia will be held in-person on the Yangming campus of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. We will send you some more detailed information regarding the colloquia after you register.

Click the following link to finish your registration:IPMC Fall 2023 Colloquia. IPMC is welcome to your join!

*Here is the list of invited speakers:

Kuei-Chen Chen / 陳貴正

Kok Yong Lee / 李國揚

Yin Chung Au / 區曣中

Hsiang-Yun Chen / 陳湘韻

Ko-Hung Kuan / 官科宏

Jay Jian / 簡士傑

Jhih-Hao Jhang / 張智皓

Paloma Muñoz Gomez / 潘翊馨

Hsiao-Fan Yeh / 葉筱凡