The new online seminars of IPMC in Spring, 2023 is coming!
“Mind and Mental Simulation: Embodiment, Emotion, and the Self” is the topic of IPMC’s Spring 2023 Colloquia. We have invited philosophers working on philosophy of mind, with a specific focus on issues related to memory and imagination and how they are embodied and affective processes that may be important for constructing a sense of self. We welcome anyone interested in this topic to join our discussion. The colloquia will be online meetings; the link will be sent after you register.
Click the following link to finish your registration: IPMC Spring 2023 Colloquia. IPMC is welcome to your join!
Below links are the information about our speaker:
Here is the list of the invited speakers:
Carl Craver: https://reurl.cc/gQpKxV
Íngrid Vendrell-Ferran: https://reurl.cc/EXLEan
Chris Letheby: https://reurl.cc/85LdOM
Zuzanna Rucinska: https://reurl.cc/lZ4GM6
Daniel Hutto: https://reurl.cc/58ZYE7
Monima Chadha: https://reurl.cc/X5N7NE
Evan Thompson: https://evanthompson.me/
Ali Boyle: https://reurl.cc/NGLVLn
John Sutton: https://reurl.cc/aa828Y