【Seminar】 Topic:Episodic amnesia and regretSpeaker:Carl CraverDate:2023.02.24 Abstract: “What is the role of episodic memory in moral emotions such as pride, shame and regret? To many […]
【Seminar】Dr.Tsutomu Sawai_The Ethics of Human Brain Organoid Research
【Seminar】 Topic:The Ethics of Human Brain Organoid ResearchSpeaker:Dr. Tsutomu SawaiDate:2023.01.13 “In recent years, studies with human brain organoids (three-dimensional brain tissue generated in vitro from stem cells) […]
【News】IPMC Spring 2023 Colloquia
The new online seminars of IPMC in Spring, 2023 is coming! “Mind and Mental Simulation: Embodiment, Emotion, and the Self” is the topic of IPMC’s […]
【Seminar】Dr. Muriel Leuenberger_How Personal Information Technology Impacts Identity
【Seminar】 Topic:How Personal Information Technology Impacts IdentitySpeaker:Dr. Muriel LeuenbergerDate:2022.12.09 Novel and emerging technologies can provide users with new kinds and unprecedented amounts of information about […]
【Seminar】Roy Dings_Self-ambiguity: A phenomenon distinct from alienation, (in)authenticity and ambivalence
【Seminar】 Topic:Self-ambiguity: A phenomenon distinct from alienation, (in)authenticity and ambivalenceSpeaker:Roy DingsDate:2022.11.11 There has been a surge of publications targeting various instances of self-ambiguity, such as […]
【News】Online workshop ‘Successful and Unsuccessful Remembering and Imagining’, Nov 14, 15, and 18 (2022)
Zoom coordinates are as follows. link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82927269130?pwd=STY3TTY3WE1QdUFzcW5RbFpNWmlodz09 meeting ID: 829 2726 9130 passcode: 593216 Background & Aim The relationship between memory and imagination has intrigued philosophers […]
【Seminar】Sebastian Jon Holmen_Neuro-interventions & crime prevention
【Seminar】 Topic:Neuro-interventions & crime preventionSpeaker:Sebastian Jon HolmenDate:2022.11.04 It is widely believed that informed consent must be obtained from a patient for it to be morally […]
【Seminar】Andrea Lavazza_Experts’ Epistemic Authority in Time of Crises. The need for New Virtues
【Seminar】 Topic:Experts’ Epistemic Authority in Time of Crises. The need for New VirtuesSpeaker:Andrea LavazzaDate:2022.10.21 As the Covid-19 crisis has shown, subject matter experts have been […]
【Seminar】Derrick Au_On the Doctor-AI-Patient Relationship
【Seminar】 Topic:On the Doctor-AI-Patient RelationshipSpeaker:Derrick AuDate:2022.10.04 Contrary to earlier hypes, artificial intelligence (AI) does not seem likely to displace or replace doctors in the foreseeable […]
【Seminar】John Danaher_How Does Technology Change Morality? Understanding the mechanisms of techno-moral change
【Seminar】 Topic:How Does Technology Change Morality? Understanding the mechanisms of techno-moral changeSpeaker:John DanaherDate:2022.09.23