Guest editors:
Ying-Tung Lin
(Institute of Philosophy of Mind and Cognition, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung
Chris McCarroll (Institute of Philosophy of Mind and Cognition, National Yang
Ming Chiao Tung University)
Kourken Michaelian (Centre for Philosophy of Memory, Université Grenoble Alpes)
Mike Stuart (Institute of Philosophy of Mind and Cognition, National Yang Ming
Chiao Tung University)
The relationship between memory and imagination has intrigued philosophers for centuries. While some cases of “unsuccessful” remembering may be categorized as mere imagining, philosophers continue to debate the markers that distinguish memory from imagination. One exciting new way to approach the issue is to consider the potential differences in terms of constraints. The aim of this special issue is to explore memory, imagination, and the relation between them from a broadly normative perspective.
There has been a great deal of interesting work carried out in the philosophies of memory and imagination, and it is important to bring together scholars working on these topics, in the hope that the combined insights might be greater than the sum of their parts. We invite contributions for the Special Issue of Philosophy and the Mind Sciences (PhiMiSci) titled “Successful and Unsuccessful Remembering and Imagining”. Possible topics for submission include but are not limited to:
- The justification or reliability of remembering and imagining
- Epistemic uses of remembering and imagining
- Skepticism about knowledge in remembering and imagining
- Self and self-knowledge in remembering and imagining
- Epistemic feelings and experiences in remembering and imagining
- Delusion and confabulation
- Normative constraints on remembering and imagining
- The correctness or satisfaction conditions of remembering and imagining
Confirmed contributors include:
Margherita Arcangeli
(Institut Jean Nicod) and Jérôme Dokic (Institut Jean Nicod)
Ruth Byrne (Trinity College Dublin)
Amy Kind (Claremont McKenna College)
Changsheng (Lex) Lai (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Peter Langland-Hassan (University of Cincinnati)
Kengo Miyazono (Hokkaido University) and Uku Tooming (University of
Daniel Munro (University of Toronto)
Lu Teng (New York University Shanghai)
Fabrice Teroni (University of Geneva)
The deadline for manuscript submissions is February 20, 2023, with the aim to publish in late 2023. Acceptance of all articles (including invited submissions) requires 2 clear endorsements; in general, max. 2 rounds of review are allowed. Prior to final acceptance, all manuscripts receive additional comments from the Special Issue editors. Author guidelines can be found here:https://philosophymindscience.org/index.php/phimisci/about/submissions. Following official acceptance for inclusion in the SI, we require authors to format their manuscripts, figures and references exactly according to the journal guidelines. The support of authors in this process is needed to keep the journal free-of-cost.
Philosophy and the Mind Sciences (PhiMiSci) (https://philosophymindscience.org/) focuses on the intersection between philosophy and the empirical mind sciences. The journal is peer-reviewed and not-for-profit open-access. It is cost-free for authors and readers.
For further information, please contact Ying-Tung Lin (linyingtung@nycu.edu.tw) or Chris McCarroll (chrismccarroll@nycu.edu.tw).
CfP: https://philosophymindscience.org/index.php/phimisci/announcement/view/23