【Michael Stuart】Information of and Resource from PhilSci India

PhilSci India is a group that was created to support philosophy of science in India. Its members organize seminars, workshops, winter schools, and other community-building opportunities that connect young scholars in India with the international philosophy of science community. Many of its initiatives are published online, creating a valuable resource for those interested in philosophy of science. Specifically, their YouTube channel contains videos by eminent scholars in India and abroad on a broad range of topics in philosophy of science. 

In 2021, Phil Sci India organized a free, online winter school for students who might be interested in pursuing philosophy of science in undergraduate or graduate school. It presumed no prior background knowledge. Speakers included Shinod N.K, Nora Boyd, Tarun Menon, Angela Potochnik, Kit Patrick, Michael Strevens, Abhishek Kashyap, Dunja Šešelja, Jamie Shaw, and Jacob Stegenga. More information can be found here, and videos of the lectures can be found on their YouTube channel. It also organized a series of online, interdisciplinary workshops on COVID-19, with panel discussions on how COVID-19 is represented in scientific models (Bert Baumgaertner, Gautam Menon, Jonathan Fuller, Suneeta Krishnan), how pandemic measures trade-off against other public goods (Anant Bhan, Gagandeep Kang, Mohammed Asheel, T. Sundararaman), and how science communication can help citizens navigate scientific expertise (Heidi Larson, Maya Goldenberg, Rayies Altaf, Tarun Menon). They also organize a speaker series (see here). 

Mike Stuart, Associate Professor at the Institute, is a member of PhilSci India, and is happy to discuss its previous and future activities with those interested.