Current Controversies in Philosophy of Memory
Edited by André Sant’Anna, Christopher Jude McCarroll, Kourken Michaelian

近期,本所Christopher McCarroll助理教授參與編輯的記憶哲學論文集 Current Controversies in Philosophy of Memory 已由Routledge出版社出版。本書囊括記憶哲學圈內一線研究者的一系列文章,著重探討領域中最前端的爭議理論問題。恭喜 Chris!
Book Description
The surge of philosophical interest in episodic memory has brought to light a number of controversial questions about this form of memory that have only recently begun to be addressed in detail. This book organises discussion around six such questions, offering two new chapters per question, from experts in the field. The questions are:
I. What is the relationship between memory and imagination?
II. Do memory traces have content?
III. What is the nature of mnemonic confabulation?
IV. What is the function of episodic memory?
V. Do non-human animals have episodic memory?
VI. Does episodic memory give us knowledge of the past?
The book constitutes a valuable resource for researchers, teachers, and students alike. For researchers, it provides an up-to-date discussion of some of the main theories, arguments, and problems in the area. For teachers, the book can supply the readings for an entire course, or particular sections can provide the readings for specific units within a broader philosophy of memory course. For students, the book offers accessible discussions of some of the most recent topics in the philosophy of memory, which, when taken together, serve as a well-rounded introduction to the area.